【2/16Fri OpeningParty】until soil unites at CON_
この度、CON_(東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町2丁目2-14 まるかビル 4F)で、Hanna Antonssonと横手 太紀による二人展「until soil unites」を2024年2月17日(土)-3月17日(日) まで開催します。
■ 展覧会情報/Exh info
until soil unites
形となり現実化したものが再度未決定なプロセスに戻ること、そしてまた現実化する、それは「リアルタイム=時間と別の時間」が共存していると言えるのではないだろうか。そこでの「リアル」というのは、実際に「生きた」ものという意味での主観的な時間を指し異なり並び立つ。横手の「見えない物語への想像力」とハンナの「出会いの対比」は、矛盾する軸(都市/野生,砂/星,街灯/霧,etc..)で同じ時間・空間に並存している。『until soil unites』では、それぞれのスケールで溶け合い取り巻き、それらを思う気持ちが異なる時間として並び、そして流れ続ける。
The process whereby something that has taken form and actualized returns once again to an indeterminate state, only to materialize anew, suggests the coexistence of "real-time equals time and another time." The "real" in this context refers to a subjective time, in the sense of something that is "alive," standing distinct and concurrent. The "imagination of invisible narratives" by Yokote and the "contrast of encounters" by Hanna coexist in the same temporal and spatial dimensions along contradictory axes (urban/wild, sand/stars, streetlight/fog, etc.). In "until soil unites," they blend across their respective scales, encompassing each other, and the sentiments they evoke align as different times, persistently flowing onward.
Exh Title: until soil unites
Artist: Hanna Antonsson @h.antonsson ,Taiki Yokote @ykttik
Term/会期: 2024.02.17(SAT) - 03.17(SUN)
Opening reception: 02.16(FRI) 18:00-21:00
Graphic: Design Heijiro Yagi @heijiroyagi
at: CON_ @con_tokyo_
maruka 4F, 2-2-14 Nihonbashi Bakurocho, Chuoku, Tokyo
東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町 2-2-14 maruka 4F
Open : Thu-Sun 14:00-19:00
Closed : Mon, Tue, Wed, public holiday,otherwise announced 月火水祝休
■ Artist
Hanna Antonsson @h.antonsson
ハンナ・アントンソン(1991年生まれ)は、スウェーデンのヨーテボリにて制作をおこなう。HDK-Valand 美術写真専攻卒業。
Hanna Antonsson (b.1991) lives and works in Gothenburg, Sweden and has a degree in Fine Art Photography from HDK-Valand. She uses kinetic sculpture and photography with bird taxidermy as the primary method. The encounter and contrast between animal and machine, hard and soft, organic and industrial, even living and dead, interest her and are expressed in various types of sculptural and photographic hybrids.
横手 太紀 | Taiki Yokote @ykttik
Born in Zushi City, Kanagawa Prefecture in 1998.
Currently studying at the Tokyo University of the Arts, sculpture department.
Yokote focuses on objects that are rarely paid attention to and brings out their “wild side” through a sculptural approach and gimmicks that use the motion of ready-made products. Mainly focusing on sculptures and installations with motion, recently expanding the range of his expression such as using video works.