この度、CON_(東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町2丁目2-14 まるかビル 4F)で、チョウ・ルンドンによる個展「POSTAL:TA •Q•BIN」を2025年1月31日(金)-2025年2月23日(日) まで開催します。
CON_ is pleased to present ‘POSTAL:TA •Q•BIN’ solo exhibition by Zhao Rundong, the exhibition will be on display from January 31th (Friday), 2025 to February 23th (Sunday), 2025, at CON_ (Maruka Building 4F, 2-2-14 Nihonbashi Bakurocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo).
■ 展覧会情報/Exh info
POSTAL – それ自体が命を持っているかのように脈動するシステム。"POSTAL"=物流は、見えない距離を越えて運ばれる世界の断片であり、送り手と受け手の間の共鳴を内包する。送る行為は決して中立ではなく、それは交換であり、提供であり、物を通じて意図を伝える行為だ。しかし、メッセージは物自体に宿るのではなく、その旅路を通じて展開される接続、再編成、変容の過程に宿る。
TA-Q-BIN - 接続の間隙を探り、送りと受け取り、肉体と機械の境界が溶ける瞬間に迫る。それは、主人公がシュールで歪んだ現実を歩むカルト映画のように動く—最初は平凡に見えるが、やがて混沌とした欲望と予期しない結果が隠れた世界を解き明かす。貨物はスリラー映画のマクガフィンのような遺物となり、旅路を変える深い秘密を抱えている。
“POSTAL:TA •Q•BIN”は、単なる物の移動ではない。それは過去、現在、未来の境界を壊すものであり、ゲームのバグやカルト映画の夢のようなシーンのように、時間がループし、現実が裂けるようなものだ。物品そのものは単なる輸送される貨物ではなく、隠された現実への鍵であり、その旅路を通じて新しい形、新しい欲望、新しい歴史が明らかにされる。各荷物、各行動には、世界を再形成する力があり、カルトスリラーのプロットのツイストのように、本展では変容を提示する。
POSTAL – A system that pulsates as if it has a life of its own. "POSTAL" = Logistics is a fragment of the world transported across invisible distances, encompassing the resonance between sender and receiver. The act of sending is never neutral. It is an exchange, an offering, and an act of conveying intent through objects. However, the message does not reside in the object itself but in the process of connection, reorganization, and transformation that unfolds through its journey.
Ordering, packing, logistics—each layer is both a barrier and an invitation. It conceals the core while hinting at what lies hidden within. It bears the trace of the sender and the whisper of the receiver. The network of cables is invisible yet always present, connecting the world and blurring the boundaries between flesh and machine, tying them together with life. Every parcel carries the potential for rupture, and its passage holds the power to reshape the world. This is not merely a transaction but a process of transformation.
TA-Q-BIN explores the spaces between connections, delving into the moments where sending and receiving, and the boundaries between body and machine, dissolve. It moves like a cult movie where the protagonist navigates a surreal, distorted reality—at first appearing mundane, but soon unraveling a hidden world of chaotic desire and unforeseen consequences. Each parcel becomes an artifact, like the MacGuffins of thriller films, holding deep secrets that change the course of the journey.
In this world, the sender and receiver are avatars in a video game, their actions forming part of a larger narrative loop, where the outcome is never linear. Like characters trapped in a cult classic, they move through a distorted, shifting digital labyrinth—a place where reality bends and every delivery is a mission with unpredictable stakes. Cables and wires are not just tools of logistics—they are the lifeblood of this system, connecting human and machine in an endless dance, pulling the players deeper into a world of fragmented universes and unknown dimensions.
The logistics of "POSTAL:TA •Q•BIN" are not just about moving objects. They are about breaking down the boundaries between past, present, and future—like a video game glitch or a dreamlike sequence in a cult film, where time loops and reality splinters. The items themselves are not just goods to be transported—they are keys to a hidden reality, slowly revealing new forms, new desires, and new histories that are written through their journey. Each parcel, each action, has the power to reshape the world, offering a transformation that is as intense as the plot twists of a cult thriller.
—Exhibition Title: POSTAL:TA •Q•BIN
Artists: チョウ・ルンドン/Zhao Rundong
Dates/会期: 2025.1.31(FRI) - 2025.2.23(SUN)
Opening Reception: 1.31(FRI) 18:00-21:00
at: CON_ @con_tokyo_
maruka 4F, 2-2-14 Nihonbashi Bakurocho, Chuoku, Tokyo
東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町 2-2-14 maruka 4F
Open : Thu-Sun 14:00-19:00
Closed : Mon, Tue, Wed, public holidays, unless announced otherwise 月火水祝休Web:https://www.contokyo.com/
鑑賞のご案内/Visitor Information・会場は階段のみのアクセスとなります。車椅子ユーザー等で会場までサポートをご希望の方は事前に弊廊Instagram(@con_tokyo_)までご連絡をお願いいたします。The venue is accessible only by stairs. If you require support to reach the venue, such as wheelchair users, please contact us in advance via our Instagram (@con_tokyo_).
■ Artist
Zhao Rundong / チョウ・ルンドン @rundongchao
1998年生まれの趙潤東(Zhao Rundong)は、中国美術学院インターメディアアート学科を卒業し、2022年にはドイツ・ライプツィヒのPILOTENKUECHEでも学んだ。彼は、中国美術学院の林風眠金賞、 Tomorrow Vision Nomination賞、平遥国際写真祭の昆仑賞などを受賞しています。彼の作品は、マーティン・ゴヤ・ビジネス、CAFAアートミュージアム廊坊、上海西岸アートセンター、ザ・ロング・ビエンナーレ、ライトシュピーレ・デス・ウェステンス・ビデオアートフェスティバル、VINCI‘2023、上海K11、浙江美術館、星美術館などの中国国内外の著名な美術館や公共施設などで展示されています。
Born in 1998, Zhao Rundong graduated from the Department of Intermedia Art of China Academy of Art.and resided in PILOTENKUECHE, Leipzig, Germany in 2022. Zhao has received accolades such as the Lin Fengmian Gold Award from the China Academy of Art, the Tomorrow Vision Nomination Award, and the Kunpeng Award at the Pingyao International Photography Festival. His works have been exhibited at notable institutions such as Martin Goya Business, CAFA Art Museum Langfang, Shanghai West Bund Art Center, The Wrong Biennale, Lichtspiele des Westens Video Art Festival, VINCI‘2023, Shanghai K11, Zhejiang Art Museum, and Xing Art Museum. He currently lives and works in Hangzhou and Shanghai.Growing up in the vortex of the internet age, Zhao Rundong's artistic practice integrates 3D game technologies, AI algorithms, and fictional narratives to explore how the digital era reshapes cultural identity and individual cognition. His work focuses on the formation and evolution of youth culture in the context of globalization, examining the profound influence of consumerism and technological media on the survival conditions of the younger generation. Through diverse mediums such as video, installation, and painting, Zhao critically responds to the erosion of culture by neo-colonialism and capitalist logic. Within fictional contexts, he metaphorically deconstructs the intricate relationships between faith, symbols, and consumer behaviors, constructing narrative spaces that reflect on digital capitalism and challenge mainstream value systems.
Solo Exhibitions / Solo Projects
- 2024: "Zhao Rundong Solo Exhibition (PAYDAY: The Heist)" SIMULACRA (Beijing, China)
- 2024: "BOLMETEUS at SAI" CON GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
- 2024: "viedä saunan taakse" GDA PLAZA Residency Project (Hangzhou, China)
- 2024: "Exchange" SOTI MUSIC (Beijing, China)
Major Group Exhibitions and Others
- 2024: "SPLINTER CATALOG" untitle gallery (Berlin, Germany)
- 2024: "Veins of Dreams" ArtSect Gallery x artotel London Hoxton (London, UK)
- 2024: "Lichtspieple des Westens Video Art Festival" Leipzig (Germany)
- 2024: "BOLMETEUS at SAI" CON GALLERY (Tokyo, Japan)
- 2023: "World Giant Spirit" Xianghu Expo Center (Hangzhou, China)
- 2023: "Fractal Resonance: Meme Sixteen Symbols" NianDai Art Museum (Shanghai, China)
- 2023: "Real Touch, Virtual Future" LIMIT Yìn Art Space (Quanzhou, China)
- 2023: "7th International Transmedia Art Festival" Shanghai Science Hall (Shanghai, China)
- 2022: "Pleasure Seed" ARS AVANTI (Leipzig, Germany)
- 2022: "Pingyao Photography Festival" Pingyao (Shanxi, China)
- 2021: "Golden Crow Hides Beauty" dongx3洞洞洞 (Wuhan, China)
- 2021: "Evolution - The Public Future" CAFA Art Museum LangFang (Langfang, China)
- 2021: "Thickening Future Communities" Cang Art Museum (Hangzhou, China)
- 2020: "NEW ERA F.E.S.T" Shanghai K11 (Shanghai, China)
- 2020: "Hangzhou Cultural Expo" Baima Lake International Expo Center (Hangzhou, China)