MEET YOUR ART FESTIVAL 2023 @meet_your_art
【CON_ @con_tokyo_ Presents Artist】
Youfire @_____artking
Ryota Daimon @ryotadaimon
この度、CON_は10/6(金)から9(月・祝)まで、100名以上のアーティストが参加する国内最大級のアートとカルチャーの祭典『MEET YOUR ART FESTIVAL 2023 「Time to Change」』@meet_your_art に出展します。
「MEET YOUR ART FESTIVAL」はアートを軸に、音楽・食・ファッション・ライフスタイルに隣接したカルチャーを一堂に会する事で、領域を超えてカルチャーの魅力に気付きを生み出すと共に、アートに対する新しい出会いや発見を設計する事を目指す、領域横断型のアートフェスティバルです。
CON_ is pleased to announce that we will be participating in “MEET YOUR ART FESTIVAL 2023 ‘Time to Change'” @meet_your_art, one of the largest art and culture festivals in Japan, exhibiting more than 100 artists from 10/6(Fri) to 9(Mon).
“MEET YOUR ART FESTIVAL” is a cross-disciplinary art festival that aims to bring together cultures such as music, food, fashion, and lifestyle, with art as its core, to create awareness of the appeal of each culture beyond its domain, and to design new encounters and discoveries about art.
The second time will expand the scale and will be held in the Tennozu Canal area of Tokyo, centered on the Terada Warehouse.
An art exhibition, two art fairs, live performances, talk sessions, and markets will be held at 6 venues.
CON_ will exhibit at “CROSSOVER”, a mixed-culture art fair where more than 15 curators/galleries will present their perspectives on the landscape where art and various cultures intersect.