2024.09.20(FRI) - 10.13(SUN)
この度、CON_(東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町2丁目2-14 まるかビル 4F)で、アポリナリア・ブロッシュと山中雪乃による2人展「Altergaze|影像」を2024年9月20日(金)-10月13日(日) まで開催します。
CON_ is pleased to present ‘Altergaze|影像’ a duo exhibition by Yukino Yamanaka and Apollinaria Broche. Featuring all new works by both artists, the exhibition will be on display from September 20th (Friday) to October 13th (Sunday), 2024, at CON_ (Maruka Building 4F, 2-2-14 Nihonbashi Bakurocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo).
■ 展覧会情報/Exh info
Both Broche and Yamanaka see the cracks, shadows, fears, and emptiness where various gazes intersect. These represent the inconvenient contradictions, wounds, and blind spots in a historically constructed visual perception. Yet, what they both find within this is a sign of metamorphosis. They both make reference to the gazes of various beings that have negative connotations in various narratives—from mythology to subculture: fairies, yokai (spirits from Japanese folklore), dolls, selfies—and give them forms that are not confined to a single shape. This is made apparent through the act of capturing forms and traces of objects or actions that are constantly in flux, like the transformation from chrysalis to butterfly, a blur caused by a sudden turn, or the contours of a shadow. "Altergaze|影像," the omnipresence of the gaze, and what shifts between them is affirmed. Within this moment, the cracks become an exit point for the transition to the next body, and the shadows become blank spaces that mark new identities.
The title of the exhibition, written in both English and Japanese, refers to the interaction between these two artists, who come from differing cultures but share a sense of contemporaneity in their respective forms of expression and motifs, capturing the tangible and intangible, human and ghostly, history and presence.Apollinaria Broche, who is of French and Russian origin, creates mixed-media sculptures that blend opposing concepts such as the personal and political, fragility and strength, fantasy and reality. Her imaginary sculptures, which include human-sized flowers and strange fairies, are composed of bronze and ceramic, providing the sculptures with a weighty presence that is simultaneously delicate and fragile quality, evidenced by the way they are prone to cracking and collapsing. Within this delicate balance, Broche summons and gives form to imaginary beings from mythology, art history, folklore, and Japanese subculture, transforming the contradictions and tensions of these dualities into entirely new possibilities. In this exhibition, she presents new works influenced by the gazes, shadows, and colors found in Yukino Yamanaka's portraits, research on Japanese yokai and natural environments, with ceramic and glazing techniques learned during her residency in Yamanashi, Japan.Yukino Yamanaka captures beings that deviate from the self, depicting their non-human contours, shadows, and gestures. The figures emerging from her self-portraits and the dolls she has collected, seem to expose the contemporary ego seeking attention and validation. However, the blank portions of the canvas resemble areas of overexposure in a photograph, as evidenced in the hair, faces, and hands, the dripping paint, and brushstrokes that suggest a soft blurring and distortion, invite into reality a ghostly presence that cannot be defined by the personification of ‘self’. While depicting images related to the self, Yamanaka simultaneously suggests the form of a non-existent self or an as-yet-unperceived entity, akin to the overexposure of digital data that contains no information. In this exhibition, she presents new works that respond to the narratives, transformative possibilities, and ceramic textures present in Broche's sculptural works.
Exhibition Title: Altergaze|影像
Artists: アポリナリア・ブロッシュ/Apollinaria Broche @apobroche, 山中雪乃/Yukino Yamanaka @yukino_yamanaka
Dates/会期: 2024.09.20(FRI) - 10.13(SUN)
Opening Reception: 09.20(FRI) 18:00-21:00
Design: Heijiro Yagi @heijiroyagi
Text/Photo Direction: Eisaku Sakai @practice_00_
Photo: Shota Tsukiyama @shota_tsukiyama
Support: Lisa Kishi Osborne @lisaosborne, GASBON METABOLISM @gasbon_gasbook
at: CON_ @con_tokyo_
maruka 4F, 2-2-14 Nihonbashi Bakurocho, Chuoku, Tokyo
東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町 2-2-14 maruka 4F
Open : Thu-Sun 14:00-19:00Closed : Mon, Tue, Wed, public holidays, unless announced otherwise 月火水祝休
鑑賞のご案内/Visitor Information・会場は階段のみのアクセスとなります。車椅子ユーザー等で会場までサポートをご希望の方は事前に弊廊Instagram(@con_tokyo_)までご連絡をお願いいたします。
The venue is accessible only by stairs. If you require support to reach the venue, such as wheelchair users, please contact us in advance via our Instagram (@con_tokyo_).
■ Artist
Apollinaria Broche/アポリナリア・ブロッシュ @apobroche
Apollinaria Broche was born in 1995 in Moscow, Russia. She lives and works in Paris and in Pietrasanta, Italy. She graduated from ENSBA Paris atelier Anne Veronica Janssens in 2020. Throughout her sculpture and installation-based practice, Broche creates places of escape and retreat from the world that blur boundaries between the real and imagined. Incorporating bronze into her newest work—an addition made possible by the artist’s residence for the past 2 years in the centuries-old artist colony in Pietrasanta, Italy— Broche highlights the dualities present throughout her practice: strength and fragility, dream and nightmare, personal and political, fantasy and reality.
Yukino Yamanaka/山中雪乃 @yukino_yamanaka
Yukino Yamanaka, born in 1999 in Nagano Prefecture, is currently based in Tokyo and Kanagawa. She graduated from the Kyoto University of the Arts Graduate School in 2023. Yamanaka has meticulously focused on both the contours of humans as physical entities and their conditions as phenomena, portraying the amorphous and non-human entities that lurk within this interstice. From her early works, she has consistently employed human figures as her central motifs. Her artistic style has transitioned from a representational depiction to abstract renderings utilizing random strokes. The canvas exhibits blanks reminiscent of whiteouts devoid of information, languidly flowing liquids in bodily crevices, and egoistic expressions and postures evoking selfies or artist portraits. By seamlessly integrating these elements across the canvas, she captures the very process of metamorphosis from the "self" to an ambiguous "other," elucidating our evolving visage as an entity inchoate and diverging from the conventional human archetype.